Heart & Soul

What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?

CSR defines the business model and degree of responsibility companies should maintain in order to have a positive impact on the world. The CSR model outlines how a company can be accountable to itself, its staff, its stakeholders, the public and global and local environments.

We are proud to align our Heart & Soul Private Fund with our Heritance Wills International’s vision to protect legacies and ensure proper succession, forging family ties and taking family businesses to the next generation.

Since helping our clients plan their legacy is essentially a very personal task, it is naturally part of our company’s culture to care for our clients’ needs over and beyond our call of duty. Our team members take pride to be part of a company that choose to be accountable for its profits towards a corporate goal to have a positive impact in this country and the world in the future.


Our CSR practices have helped boost our team members’ morale as employees and employers gain a greater sense of purpose in their work.  To our discerning clientele who choose our services, it is more than just choosing a will writing service – it is choosing to align oneself with an empathetic vision.

In this unprecedented times, part of our company’s CSR should be and has been extended to the society at large in Malaysia, especially families who have suffered the effects of this pandemic.  It is our company’s great privilege to allocate part of our profits to deserving families and individuals to help meet basic needs and alleviate suffering.

One of the projects undertaken by our company is to contribute to a non-profit organisation called Yayasan Kajian dan Pembangunan Masyarakat whose project during  Malaysia’s Covid19  pandemic is to  supply food  and  personal hygiene items to 280 orang asli families living in Tasik Cini Villages in Pahang, Malaysia. 

We strive to continue to seek deserving causes to contribute to as part of our CSR pledge.


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